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Questions and Answers About the Kids' Chance of Missouri Scholarship Program

Who is eligible?

Children with a parent killed or seriously injured in a work-related accident that is compensable under the Missouri Workers' Compensation Law.


What is the length of the Scholarship? 

One school year.  Students must reapply each year.  Scholarship awards are contingent on the availability of funds.

What can the scholarship money be used for? 

Tuition, books, supplies, housing, meals, and other education-related expenses not covered by other grants or scholarships.


What educational institutions qualify?
Any accredited, post-high school educational institution, e.g., university, college, trade school, community college, graduate school.

What documentation is needed along with the completed application? 

The Scholarship Committee will not review your application until it has received copies of all the documents listed below:


A completed Kids' Chance of Missouri scholarship application (See below - for New Applicant form and Renewal Applicant form and fill out appropriately.)


If a graduating senior, a high school transcript of grades


If currently attending a college, trade or vocational school, the most recent transcript


A copy of the Financial Aid Award Letter for the coming academic year from the educational institution you plan to attend. PLEASE NOTE: If your Financial Aid Award Letter is in process and cannot be submitted with your application, you must FAX a copy of this letter or, if the letter is still not available, CONTACT the Kids' Chance of Missouri office. WE MUST HAVE THE FINANCIAL AID AWARD LETTER TO PROCESS YOUR APPLICATION.


A copy of your Student Account Statement (your student bill) for the coming academic year from your institution's Bursar's Office/Business Office. This statement will likely be mailed to you by your institution by early July. Please email or fax the statement to the Kids Chance office at the address shown below. WE MUST HAVE YOUR STUDENT ACCOUNT STATEMENT TO PROCESS YOUR APPLICATION.


Proof that parent has sustained a serious injury/illness resulting from a work-related accident; for example, a copy of a court order, a settlement agreement, or a statement from the workers' compensation insurance carrier. Note: A doctor's statement or Social Security Administration statement is not sufficient.


Death certificate of the deceased parent, if applicable.


A copy of your SAR (Student Aid Report). You should have received your SAR from the Federal Government after you submitted your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).


2 Tax returns for injured parent's household: (1) the year before the disability (2) most current tax return.

Deadlines for submitting completed applications and all supporting documents:

May 15 - Fall & Spring Semester Scholarship

October 30 - Spring Semester Scholarship

Applications and supporting information will not be accepted after those dates.


Please print the Kids' Chance of Missouri Scholarship Application and mail back with supporting documents.

Please send the completed application to:


Scholarship Committee
P.O. Box 410384
St. Louis, Missouri 63141


Jim Susman, Executive Director

P.O. Box 410384

St. Louis, Missouri  63141


© 2018 Kids' Chance of Missouri.  All rights reserved.

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